Selling Tickets

Follow these steps to put your tickets up for sale.

Proceeds from ticket resales are at the discretion of the organization, please be aware of all policies prior to placing any tickets up for sale.

NOTE: You cannot sell a ticket that has a status of "Card Pending" or "Balance Due."

  1. Log in to TicketReturn.

  2. Click Your Tickets to open the Your Tickets page. Then, click Sell Tickets.

  3. Events for which you own tickets are listed. Check the events for tickets you want to sell. Check Select All to check all events. Click Next to continue.

  4. Tickets owned for selected events that are eligible for selling are listed. Check the tickets you want to sell. Check Select All to check all tickets. Click Next to continue.

  5. A confirmation page appears. Ensure that the selected tickets are the ones you want to sell and click Sell Tickets.

  6. The next page verifies that the ticket(s) have been offered for sale. If you have included your email address in your account profile, you will receive an email confirmation for the transaction. Click Your Tickets to return to the Your Tickets page.